Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Community Based Training has begun. We started by spending four days way up in the mountains of the Cordillera Septentrial mountain range. There, we had workshops on eco-tourism and trail maintenance. Part of that included doing actual work on a trail. Hence, we all rolled up our sleeves and learned how to use axes and machetes. I, of course, managed to slice my finger a bit on a machete, but it´s not bad. In fact, I´d much prefer a small machete slice over a paper cut. Paper cuts are boring, and thankfully, I´ve already received a tetanus shot.
We also had a great hike to the top of Diego O´Campo, the highest mountain in the Cordillera Septentrial range. The hike took us through a manacla forest. Manaclas are mountain growing palm trees. Pretty cool.
Now I am living in Los Cocos, campo outside of Santiago. This is the most lush area of the island, so it´s beautiful. I am with another host family and will be with them for the next 32 days. Our Spanish class of 4 meets almost daily... which is so needed, let me tell you. This is supposedly the time when we learn the most language. I hope so! The only problem is that we´re in an area of the country that has a very strong and distinct accent. They replace their R´s with I´s. Crazy, crazy.
Due to incidences of mystery pig meat and goat at my last house, I have decided to tell this new family that the only meat I eat is chicken. It´s working out so far, just pray for no chicken feet.

1 comment:

Bev said...

Now you're starting to sound like a real Peace Corp Volunteer blazing trails and such.....but mothers don't like to hear about this blood stuff! Yikes! Do you need me?