Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Being white, American and female in the Dominican Republic can be quite interesting. Walking down the street, riding a bus, visiting a government office, passing through a security gate, attending a meeting, or just sitting in front of my house exposes me to never-ending piropos, or pick up lines, blown kisses, requests to be my novio, or boyfriend, and marriage proposals.

I have days where the constant come-ons are entertaining. The piropos can be quite clever: Cuantos curves y yo sin frenas. -- How many curves and I´m without brakes. But most often they are simply hisses, ¨hola mami¨, and ¨I love you.¨

I do my best to ignore the hissing and calling. But there are the days where the guy trying for my attention receives an earful of my grammatically incorrect angry Spanish where I try to convey that I think he is obnoxious, that I have no idea why I would ever consider dating a rude guy who hangs out on the street calling to women, that being white is not better, and that he is the 65th guy to want me that day.

All that said, I would like to introduce you to a few of my suitors:

Gabriel -- A neighbor of mine, and in fact one of my first friends.
Gabby lives with his mom and brother and attends a primary school. He has told me various ages for himself, always older than he is, but I finally found out that he just turned 14. (!) Gabby used to take me around to introduce me to people, we´d go jogging together or watch Spanish movies. Several times Gabby has asked me to be is girlfriend and argues with me when I reject him. He explains that he is very mature for his age and it doesn´t matter how old I am. He apparently told his family that he WILL marry me one day.

Novio -- Old creepy guy from the corner store whose name I don´t know.
I cannot avoid passing the little colmado on the corner of my street. I pass it at least four times a day and am there almost daily to buy something. The owner of the place has a younger guy to do most of the work, but he sits out there from about 7:30 a.m. til 9:00 p.m. For my first few weeks in my house I cringed every time I had to go near him. He always had a piropo for me and constantly spoke of marrying me, getting himself a visa to America. Although maybe it seems silly, I found myself constantly upset by this man. He bothered me and I felt like I couldn´t fix the situation. That is until one day I found a solution. Anytime I passed him I would say ¨Good morning, afternoon, evening NOVIO¨. I simply call him my boyfriend, he calls me his girlfriend, and that´s that. I think he is so amused with the whole thing, as well as the reactions of others, that he doesn´t have time to make rude comments to me. We laugh together, I buy my egg or bread, and all is well in the world.

Travis – best friend of mine who has been living in Jacksonville
(Travis will be joining me in the Dominican Republic on September 9 to work as an English teacher, learn Spanish, and adventure together.)
On my very brief visit home, he took me to a place that we had been once before—about 4 and half years ago. At that place over 4 years ago we talked for hours and my life was never the same. I had fallen in love. And this time on our visit, after a picnic lunch and much reminiscing, Travis read me a beautiful letter, presented me with my Grandmother´s engagement ring, and asked me to join him in marriage. (I said yes)!!


mama t said...

dearest colleen,
woo hoo! congrats on your engagement to travis! you will be a wonderful wife and beautiful bride! i have enjoyed reading your blog all along- but just now learned how to enter a response- you have a real gift for sharing your thoughts and it is fun to live vicariously through your adventures! All the very best to you always! love, patti tamayo

Christina said...

Ms Robbins passed your blog onto me - congrats on your big news! There must have been something in the yearbook editor's water at Sickles in 2000 - I'm getting married next month! I'm amazed at all you're doing, while the rest of us are stuck in an office. Congratulations again! Christina Tuff

Unknown said...

Yo chica!

Your blog is really outstanding, no wonder Mike wants to find out who really is lurking behind this blog. I do want to chime in that although Travis is a great guy and all, that you should really consider the 14 year old. A younger man will take care of you when your old and infirm. Think about it...

Anyways, its been a month now. Update your blog or your blog privileges will be revoked.

In peace,


Beth Comer said...

I'm missing the updates as well! What's been going on with you lately?

p.s. congrats on the engagement!